Paris: Loose change
Video analysis of the public footage of the November, Friday the 13th, Paris false-flag event.

The mass-media apparatchiks have put selective video on perma-loop, and spent hours and hours telling you what to believe, it’s time to analyze the footage for real. Listen to this rational gentlemen break it down before we get into the dirty details:
There’s several categories of deception used by mass-media sources:
- editing, tricks like green-screens, video editing to add or hide/remove elements, reducing quality or blurring
- substitution of video, video that was shot somewhere else passed off as part of the current story
- rehearsals or drills being passed off as “real” events, multiple takes for the same event
- fakery with special effects, fake sets for interviews, scripted actors, unrealistic physics
- newsroom spin, drowning out the words of people they interview, using selective clips, bogus conclusions
Each method appeals to a group of people, or another way to put it, not everyone is receptive to all the techniques, and not all of the time. It’s for this reason that we can call Operation Paris more sophisticated than the Boston Bombing or Sandy Hook, where these techniques were employed with hardly any third party footage released. The quantity of amateur footage this time around is immense, although many of them could have been part of the operation, it’s clear most weren’t, and this could pose a huge problem if it reveals too much.
This carefully choreographed ballet of firefighters, police, and paramedics would be an expensive waste of time if the loose ends had a good chance of exposing it all as fake. Not every technique is employed here, but it’s the way it was woven together that has captured the public’s imagination. We have no green-screening or relabeled video from some attack in Morocco, though we certainly have staged events mixed into the streams.
When analyzing the videos, it’s easy to prove that there is behaviour inconsistent with what’s supposely happening, just as there are incidental details which don’t match up to the actions we are observing. Basically we need to step back, ignore all the commentary, and just watch. We humans are pretty intuitive when given the opportunity to be immersed in a scenario, there’s no reason to think we need special skills to find contradictions to the official story.
Porte de VincennesI wanted to begin with something else, but decided this one is just begging for a flogging.
Next we have one of the many similar reports, the distant video that’s used in much of the reporting, but listen to the anchor telling you to focus on the injured policeman (1:04) near the white car. The sadness. The empathy. The video meanwhile shows approximately 6 police in riot gear and several vehicles between him and the supposed assailant, making a clear shot very difficult. Nor is it clear the assailant is even firing at this point, but the way he falls is interesting, like his leg just gave out. Maybe his backpack was too heavy?
The same event as reported above, from multiple angles, and narrated by someone less scripted. Pay attention in the first video segment, several members of the crowd of police are firing semi-automatic rifles into the shop. The first thing that should pop into mind is that there are live hostages in there, if they are shooting that many bullets, that’s hugely unsafe for the people they are trying to save. If they are so unconcerned about casualties why not just throw a bunch grenades in and call it a day? Would save them the headaches of having a gunfight. In the second segment the elderly hostages run out a little too quickly after the assailant is shotdown, a little unbelievable with so much chaos.
The second thing I notice, the police to the right of the door, appear to be firing into glass, aiming a little high. Perhaps they are trying to scare the “terrorist” instead of shoot him? Then if you look at the glass, there are cracks but no holes, meaning this is safety glass, not your ordinary window pane. I’m unfamiliar with the regulations in France regarding windows, but safety glass is very expensive in large sizes, which is why most stores opt to install bars instead. Also considering the number of shots fired at very close range, there appears to be remarkably little damage to the glass, no major chunks missing.
Next is to revisit the “downed” police officer. In this the second segment (1:40) you see him being dragged out on a box of some kind, assisting with his left leg, a something which doesn’t appear in the previous France 24 video. Does that mean my assessment of being shot in the leg is correct? He is being moved sometime after the police rushed in, which is likely several minutes. Once away from the carnage, the two dragging officers relax, and start to walk away, as if they know they can stop pretending to be heroic. The injured man then easily rolls over to a more seated position, and grasps at one of the standing officers legs to pull himself up before the video cuts away.
Once again, same scene, basically the same shot, but more graphic.
If you replay all the footage of the moment of breach (in the previous video too), you might also realize that 2 officers enter ahead of the hail of bullets, one with a riot shield scoots over to he right side, apparently passing in front of others firing. I don’t know what kind of firearms training goes on in France, and whether these people are trained in firearm safety, but it seems reasonable to assume that police don’t shoot when they have teammates moving around in the line of fire. We are to believe these are real bullets and not blanks right?
I won’t even begin to question the logic of the assailant running right at police with hands covering his face a second after being scared by a flashbang somewhere to his side. It almost seemed like he was more afraid of being hurt by their bullets, than being killed by their bullets. Were they bullets? When he reaches the door, he seems to trip into the doorjamb and fall, followed by 50 more bullets on the ground. A little overkill for a deadman, a little unsafe for police with the possible ricochet.
Here we start with a distant shot, paramedics, police, other emergency workers unhurriedly walk around, taking absolutely no notice of the bangs going off. No one is surprised or tries to ascertain the exact location. Bangs are crisp with no collateral damage sounds, because flashbangs are concussive distractions, unlike real grenades.
Then we move to the side shot of the supermarket breach, and we clearly see the first flashbang actually goes off outside of the door, right in front of the huddled police. Did someone fumble and drop it, or was this meant to look more dramatic as it if was a larger explosion emanating from inside? There’s more likely an element of theater in this than a clumsy cop.
The BataclanHere’s a terrible amateur video, showing very little details. The narrator says that police storm Bataclan, and that there are army personnel with the police. I don’t recall any news outlets mentioning the military at all, until after these events took place, which raises more doubts about the official story. It is also unclear from this video that anything happened inside.
Here’s a supposedly terrifying video of a shootout near the cafe at the end of the alley. Not much is clear except that police are holding the main street, and the gunman appears to somewhat distracted, allowing several officers to run past within danger. No escapees are seen, so it’s possible they ran the other direction down the alley, away from police. With all the police brutality and disregard for human life lately, it’s hard to argue with that.
Here’s a Daily Mail article with high quality video from inside the cafe, presumably before the police seal off the street in the previous video. We are supposed to focus on the gunman who approaches a woman cowering outside with the patio furniture, and we are supposed to believe he doesn’t fire because his gun jams. The woman in danger runs off as he walks away casually. Rather strange mannerism for a guy completely exposed as he is from 3 directions isn’t it? It’s puzzling that he’s seemingly unconcerned about actually killing anyone either.
More interesting to me is the cafe itself. At no time does it appear there is machine gun fire ripping into the place, nothing gets knocked over, nothing splinters, no glass breaks. Or do we have some new type of miracle glass, one that allows bullets through, but not the weather? However, there does appear to be a large amount of dust flying in front of the camera, and near the camera, which is mounted in the ceiling. This dust doesn’t fly up from the ground level, it wafts in from the side in what appears to be a breeze, then changes direction. This would appear to suggest that if the gunman was indeed shooting up the cafe, he was really shooting up, not where the people were. Kind of like an action movie, where the hero dives behind the bar, and the maniac with a machine gun can’t seem to hit anything, but the bottles on the shelf above.
Also take note of the people, they seem to mostly run inside the cafe, with their heads down, yet curiously the gunman doesn’t pursue? He’s supposed to be killing people everywhere he goes, and he has a cafe basement full of people, trapped like sitting ducks, but doesn’t bother taking advantage of it. The people rushing inside seem to be a little disoriented as well, not sure if they are supposed to go upstairs or downstairs, or just hide under a glass table.
What this says to me, is this was a deliberately staged attempt to create the fear, to create quality witnesses with genuine emotions about it, but without causing mass casualties. All the opportunities were there, and all of them were ignored.
The Stade de France
Here’s a decent set of clips around the stadium that night, where we are told suicide bombers just outside blew up. You hear the blast, but the game goes on. To me it actually sounds like something collapsed, which should have caused some concern, even if you had no suspicion of a bomb.
It’s obvious there is no panic setting in, the brief rush of people onto the field after the match is related to people finally catching up on the news coverage of what’s going on outside.
The venerable Geraldo, the one that was heckled out of Baltimore for race-baiting, the one that gets upset anytime hispanics are demonized, yet has no problem vilifying muslims, pretends he had a daughter at all the shootings. Perhaps this isn’t something to read too far into, it appears the story was written for him, as the text narration and verbal narration don’t quite line up. Someone is making it up as they go, and like any good media whore, he almost cries. Surely you believe him now?
Pot-pourri as the western media sees itAn overview of the entire night, it’s worth dissecting the parts as above. Around 1min into the the coverage, they include an interview with someone who wasn’t told what to say, and he directly contradicts the soft-spoken narrator describing terror after the second blast. One of those subtle ways the media steers the conversation, trying to steer you to the story they want, regardless of what the evidence shows.
Then back to scripted-land, we have a beautiful shot circling the only two couples hugging on the field. It isn’t clear why they are hugging, and they are doing a poor job of looking terrified. Just as the “look of terror” on the athletes watching the TV screens looks more like bewilderment, the narrator concludes with them just being “unsure” of what’s going on. So which is it, terror or confusion? Nevermind the contradictions, full speed ahead!
At the 3min mark, they interview a black gentleman with a broken phone, he says this was the result of a blast knocking him to the floor. So he crushed his own phone? No, no, that would be too mundane, it needs some embellishment, like a piece of shrapnel did it. All this from feeling the reverberations, and seeing lots of fire everywhere, no doubt a hellish scene from Dante’s Inferno danced around his head. If you poke around on youtube, you find a longer interview where he shows us some purplish stain on his white shirt as proof he was injured. Although the stain is most likely the fluid leaking from theĀ shattered phone in his pocket. Funny, no one else saw huge flames.
Around the 5min mark in the video, we see mostly scared people running out the back doors of the Bataclan theater. Interestingly the man from the window asks what’s going on, while there are supposedly dead bodies lying just outside the door to be trampled by the subsequent escapees. This setup has many unusual points, because no one seems horrified by the dead bodies they have to jump over to safety, and once outside, the people don’t seem sure about what to do next. A few of them start walking away without hurrying. A few look off in the distance, towards the street where the police seem to have gathered, then decide it’s probably best to trot off in the opposite direction. The man who limps away could have sprained his ankle anywhere, there was nothing to suggest he was terrified in the slightest.
Just before the 6min mark, after some more footage of flashbangs going off while police stand around, the narrator says there were 3 shooters who blew themselves up after a firefight. Interesting how all the attackers conveniently die, but also that the suicide vests they supposedly wore had so little explosive power. In absolutely none of the videos is there anything obviously not a flashbang heard going off, nor is there any video or photograph of shrapnel from said vests hurting anyone. The common practice of suicide vests is to strap nails or ball bearings to the explosive for maximum carnage, did these people not graduate terrorist school? Or should we just accept it as one more of a stack of lies they feed us?
The rest of the coverage is more heart pumping nonsense, but near the end they show singing soccer fans trying to leave the stadium. The horror. The horror.
This one covers a whole range of topics, but has a good focus on the stadium. The Interviewee from the stadium says it was a bizarre situation, and the authorities didn’t tell anyone what was going on, specifically to avoid scaring them. You can see people are milling around in the stadium unpanicked, which isn’t even that strange when there were so many people stuck trying to exit.
Also at around the 14min mark, you see an interesting formation of firefighters jogging into a darkened building with no fire, while the female reporter is discussing people in the cafe, some bloody, talking to police. Ignoring the police, why do we have a dozen densely packed firemen doing undisclosed errands? Fire services are supposed to show up to any major incident of course, but if this was a crime scene, they would be doing their best not to disturb it, by sending as few as possible. Or was this just footage of a fire training exercise, added to the news stream as filler?
Miscellaneous events
On the note of rehearsals, there was actually a citywide emergency exercise scheduled for that day according to one SAMU member. “Patrick the Paramedic” tells us the drill is to take place, without specifying where, but notes multiple locations around the city. Which again, in isolation doesn’t discredit the idea of a real “terrorist” operation at multiple locations, but it sure gives the media plenty of stock footage of mock disasters. We know the media was informed ahead of time of these locations for maximum coverage.
This video is one of many oddballs, it doesn’t cover obviously link to any of the other events going on, but it is rather revealing in other ways. Look how stage-managed everyone is, look at that tight formation! The oozing professionalism! Ok, let’s ask why they are so far away from the action, and let’s ask why the reporters are so close. We should also note the seemingly random action shot of two masked police without shields running ahead of the squad, since they appear to be the least safe, and one of whom is clearly carrying a bunch of electronic gear, which you’d think means he’s important. Important people stay behind less important people in a dangerous situation, as a rule.
This looks like a test rehearsal for the cameras. Not that this would be unusual in today’s world of public relations. Reuters, CNN and BBC are routinely caught staging photos, either to create a more dramatic/poignant scene, or merely to use as stock footage for the 24/7 repeat cycle. This scene looks entirely detached from any emergency, with no sense of urgency. Ironically the masked men draw interesting parallels with the masked “terrorist” training videos too.
Here we have a slightly conspiratorial look at some incidental filler footage, but I must say that smirk near the end makes this very suspicious indeed. The face comparison morph is poorly done as it compares his photo with a distorted image on the left side of the video. A better comparison morph would have used the frames near the right side of the video, where his face is less stretched and narrowed.
His proportions are consistent with who he’s supposed to be, and it would be nothing new in the world of false-flags to blame a person uninvolved in the crime.
This was the supposed scene of the mastermind’s girlfriends last stand. As police exchanged loud mouth-noises with her, she blew herself up, said official sources initially. Later these events were contradicted by others, saying that someone else in the building had blown up a makeshift bomb killing her in the process. Or perhaps it was one of the police flashbangs that set off an explosive device, a real possibility considering how many they used at the other locations.
The building damage is also very interesting. There is a large amount of damage where a window frame should be, as if this was a unit being selectively demolished for renovation. Paris isn’t warm enough to get by without windows, in november, and it’s a bit of a stretch to think we’re looking at an unfinished window replacement. The frame isn’t just damaged, it’s almost entirely gone, and there’s no way an explosion inside would be able to generate that kind of force on the frame, once the glass blows out. I recall hearing a lot more gunshots than I see bullet holes in the facade too.
More than likely, we’re really looking at an abandoned unit being passed off as a terrorist dwelling, with a few combat decorations added for authenticity.
Conclusions?The only thing we can conclude safely, is there are a lot of unlikely events in the story, and lots of unusual behaviour. We can’t say for certain how many were hurt or killed, even if the French authorities release a number, because we can’t trust that everything we’ve been shown is genuine. We should be very very suspicious.
It has also been a well-worn plot device to kill all the suspects in a false-flag attack, this simplifies the story, since no one can defend themselves claiming otherwise. Equally, if any of the suspects are intelligence services assets, and once declared dead, they can be removed from any watch lists. Then they can be issued new identities a little easier.
Passports are easy enough to forge for casual checks, especially once a person is within the EU borders, courtesy of the Shengen agreement. For example, most fake Syrian passports are provided by Turkish intelligence, via an entire network of underground brokers. Any and all migrants who can afford it, know that a Syrian passport is the one to get, ever since the EU decided to generously open their borders to “Syrian” refugees, and fast-track asylum applications.
So let’s end with this, Paris was warned, and the Jewish owners of the venues were warned. Apparently Turkey and Iraqi intelligence services also warned the French to expect an attack nearly a week before. The parallels to 9/11 are nearly perfect.
Anonymous is running a campaign to expose the terrorist social networks #OpParis and #OpISIS, so hear them complain about being blocked on Facebook for soliciting tips. This happened mere hours before the attack, and had they shut down the social media accounts of the actors, it could have made it harder to coordinate, curious timing for sure.
A restful mind is a thoughtless mind. Think. Question. Research.
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