Wakanda: Broken Dreams
Wakanda is a place without human nature, and should annoy or disappoint everybody, unless they're fond of gaslighting for some reason.
what’s important, or otherwise on the edge of consciousness
Wakanda is a place without human nature, and should annoy or disappoint everybody, unless they're fond of gaslighting for some reason.
During the late 1500's and stretching well into the 1800's, the field of science consisted of a lot of theorists and empiricists, all vying for fame, and new discoveries. It is easy to forget science is often affected by the philosophy of the observer.
Video analysis of the public footage of the November, Friday the 13th, Paris false-flag event.
In an age where people are more skeptical than ever about where their food or goods come from, should we really make it more confusing, and more opaque?
In the longest election campaign in nearly a century, Canadians have ousted the ruling Conservative party with prejudice. The race was between a party of fear, a party of opportunism, and a party of hope. Hope won, but it wasn't guaranteed.