Climate Change is NOT Killing the Coral Reefs
In a world full of hyperbole and exaggeration, even science and truth can end diverge unfortunately. Let's point a spotlight at how climate change hysteria obscures the truth about coral reefs.
macro-politics, the game of influence, and social unrest
In a world full of hyperbole and exaggeration, even science and truth can end diverge unfortunately. Let's point a spotlight at how climate change hysteria obscures the truth about coral reefs.
When a population is crying out for a populist leader to save them from the unrepresentative establishment in power, why can't those leaders show some backbone, and act boldly like the people demand?
Since people are inherently tribal, it is perhaps only fitting that news is represented in a tribalist fashion, except it isn't always. The news would be a very strange thing to most people, if tribal and religious affiliations were always disclosed, but that might unravel decades of clever deception too.
The Feds want Apple to open its kimono graciously, accept some harassment that could damage its business, for the greater good. Or is it?
With the unexpected success of the Syrian Arab Armies, backed by Russian air power, and many militia groups such as the National Defense Forces, has put Coalition-backed terrorist force commanders in a pickle. What now?
The European Union is struggling financially, struggling to maintain domestic harmony, and struggling with the influx of very non-European migrants, many of whom are escaping disastrous NATO interventions.
Video analysis of the public footage of the November, Friday the 13th, Paris false-flag event.
Having concluded that this is yet another geo-political move, rather than the extra-curricular activity of disgruntled Muslims, just where do the players fit?
It may seem callous at first, but I wasn't struck by the horrific massacre in Paris. A little surprised perhaps, but it merely capped off a bloody week around the world, and Paris got off easy, it's the game that matters.
In an age where people are more skeptical than ever about where their food or goods come from, should we really make it more confusing, and more opaque?